Our expertise
In general, we specialize in the following areas:
- Legal, tax, customs, accounting and financial assistance and engineering at the heart of the client’s business;
- Obtaining approvals and licences in the mining, oil, gas, telecommunications sectors…;
- Negotiation, obtaining and implementation of tax incentives, suspensive customs regimes, reduced rates and various exemptions;
- Optimal application of specific codes (Mines, Oil & Gas, Investments, Ppps);
- International transactions (transfer pricing, foreign direct investment and borrowing, foreign exchange, customs) etc.
- Restructuring of companies and groups of companies, corporate governance and heritage protection;
- Debt recovery, credit management

Our detailed services

- Legal Secretariat
- Corporate governance
- Legal audits
- Contractual audit and contract management
- Consultations, studies, engineering, legal and legal monitoring
- Mobile banking and e-banking
- Groups of companies
- Securities and dematerialisation
- Concession, delegation of public services, Public undertakings
- Litigation, Business Management
- Legal intelligence
- Trademark Patent, Software, Intellectual Property

- Tax consulting and audits
- Tax risk
- Transfer pricing and international transactions
- Taxation of wages and salaries
- Taxation of enterprises
- Oil, mining, insurance, banking, stock market, telecommunications, etc.
- Local and household taxation
- Registration rights
- Tax litigation
- Tax strategy
- Tax treaties
- Tax incentive schemes
- Various tax assistance

Customs & Exchange
- Customs consultations
- Customs and exchange compliance audits;
- Implementation of suspensive customs procedures
- Direct investment and financial capital operations
- Resident and non-resident accounts
- Optimization of international financial transactions
- International Business Transaction Engineering and Triangulation
- Customs optimizations
- Customs bonds
- Customs and foreign exchange disputes

Finance & Accounting
- Accounting and financial audit
- Preparation and analysis of financial statements;
- Consulting and Financial Engineering;
- Management control;
- Conduct of inventories
- Year-end accounting work
- Procedures manuals

Heritage & Real Estate
- Implementation and management in condominium
- Sale in Future Completion State
- Implementation location-accession
- Real estate engineering
- Property and wealth taxation
- Heritage assessment
- Wealth management
- Protection of the heritage

credit & risk management
- Audit-detection of legal, fiscal, customs, accounting and financial risks
- Anticipation, management of tax and customs legal risks
- Recovery of claims
- Assessment of the insolvent customer
- Legal and tax management of unpaid debts
- Treatment of business crises
- Payment guarantees

- Restructuring, recapitalisation
- Mergers and acquisitions absorption
- Collective procedures
- Structuring of the group architecture
- Enterprise outsourcing and outsourcing engineering