“In addition to being a page dedicated to our publications and domain news, ENTEGRAALE is a journal of legal practitioners domiciled at E Mining Venture & Advisory Plc. Its main mission is to contribute to the enlightenment of readers on the most varied subjects. In a simple way, the journal provides the reader with information on specific questions. The reader also benefits from guidance on how to steer his or her course of action to the law. Is it not “No one is supposed to ignore the law”? Yet eight out of ten people actually ignore the law. The journal ENTEGRAALE wants to contribute to the knowledge of the law by the citizen concerned. The choice is focused on the questions relating to the company. The themes chosen in our publications are the illustration”.

Our Articles
Analyse de la Loi n° 2017/015 du 12 juillet 2017 sur les incitations à l’investissement privé au Cameroun
Dans le but de booster sa croissance économique, ralentie par la chute des cours des matières premières et l’insécurité frontalière, le Cameroun a entrepris depuis un certain nombre d’années de prendre des mesures destinées à stimuler l’investissement, gage de croissance. Ainsi parmi les mesures mises en œuvre, l’on a noté la multiplicité des fora économiques
La dématérialisation des valeurs mobilières au Cameroun
Depuis le 05 mai 2014, les sociétés émettrices d’actions doivent se conformer à l’exigence de dématérialisation de leurs valeurs mobilières. L’article 744-1 de l’Acte Uniforme portant sociétés commerciales dispose à cet effet que : « les valeurs mobilières quelle que soit leur forme doivent être inscrites en compte au nom de leur propriétaire ». Consacrée un (01)

Tax Rates In Cameroon
Personal Income Tax Tax Year: Calendar YearTax Rate: 10% – 35%, plus 10% additional council tax.Individuals resident in Cameroon are taxable on their worldwide income; non residents are taxable only on their Cameroon-source income.The employer deducts tax on employment income and remits it to the tax authorities before the 15th of each month. However, employers do not

How To Register A Business In Cameroon
SET UP A BUSINESS IN CAMEROON Cameroon, officially named as the Republic of Cameroon. It is a country in the west Central Africa region. It is bordered by Cameroon to the west; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo to the

Do you have to pay tax As An Expat In Cameroon? Find out in this article.
Taxation will be one of your main concerns if you are moving to Cameroon, especially if you intend to work there. Most workers, including expatriates, have to pay income tax. In fact, the tax rate for them ranges between 10 and 35%, depending on your yearly income threshold. Those earning more than CFA 5 million per year